Monday, May 11, 2015

David Wayne Sconce, and Avalon Funeral Home- Pasadena/Altadena, CA

If you thought Pasadena, CA was not haunted ( or didn’t have horrific things happening at all), think again. We here at S.I.U. The Supernatural Investigation Unit, seem to keep attracting stories from around town. We didn’t think there was so much more to Pasadena, than we thought. For the longest time, we just thought Pasadena’s hauntings were the Colorado St. Bridge, and The Haunted Forest. It’s accumulated since we’ve started. Our newest creepy story comes from a former Pasadena Mortician named David Wayne Sconce.

This guy was apparently “the worst funeral director ever” according to Caleb Wilde, who runs the popular facebook page Confessions of a Funeral Director. He’s not talking about his skills. He means, he was extremely corrupt. I found this out on his blog about death facts. One of the pictures mentioned a Pasadena mortician ran an illegal crematory in Hesparia, CA. I didn’t think he meant Pasadena, CA. Sure enough, he did. It was disguised as a ceramics plant. Fortunately, a man called the police and told them he was smelling dead bodies. The station didn’t believe him. He then followed it up with “Don’t tell me I’m not smelling dead bodies! I was in Auschwitz!” Fair enough, right? Here’s part of an article from the Whittier Daily News.

“Oscar’s Ceramics on Darwin Road in Hesperia, a plant that purportedly was making ceramic panels for space stations, was instead a secret crematorium. Investigators on Jan. 20, 1987 found two large kilns, each more than half filled with the burning bodies of human beings. Human bones and ashes partially filled eight 55-gallon garbage cans. The thick, dark liquid of human body fats and oils covered the floor, running out the back door to a makeshift pit. Pasadena Crematorium, located in Mountain View Cemetery in Altadena. The Altadena crematorium was gutted by fire Nove. 23, 1986, yet the cremations credited to the facility continued. David Sconce was operating an unlicensed crematorium in Hesperia.”

That’s not the only bad thing he did. As a matter of fact, the list goes on.

-He sold body parts and organs. In the process of this, he counterfeited the organ donor consent forms.

-Authorized mass cremations.

-Had gangs beat rivaling morticians.

-Had a hitman target a business competitor who was going to purchase a rivaling crematiory facility.

-He had stolen gold denture teeth.

-Plead guilty on 21 accounts. Did a two and a half year sentence in jail.

Sconce’s parents were involved in his scandal. They ran The Lamb Funeral Home on Orange Grove Blvd. According to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, “The Lamb Funeral Home (the funeral home owned by Sconce) case led to a massive lawsuit that also involved 100 mortuaries that contracted with the funeral home for cremations. The $15.5 million suit in 1991 involved 20,000 relatives of people cremated at the funeral home.”

The Former Lamb Funeral Home is now the Avalon Funeral Home. However, it seems to be abandoned as of recent. As of right now, since we haven’t investigated the place, we have no evidence to say that it is haunted. All we can say as of right now, is that it is a potential haunting. We know the patterns of a haunting. With all the history of this building, there’s definitely spirits that are not at rest. We’re speaking in theory. The fact that it is abandoned now, says something. The history is disturbing, and it probably opened some negative doorways. Whenever bodies are not properly put to rest or the deceases wishes were not fulfilled, it causes the spirit to be stuck. I’m sure the spirits have some things they would like to say to Sconce and his parents.

It’s unfortunate that Mountain View Cemetery had to deal with Sconce as well. There has been reports of paranormal activity at the cemetery and the mausoleum’s. There’s been disembodied footsteps and voices in the Mountain View Mausoleum. One worker reported a man in a suit on the third floor. The worker said he was chased out by this man, turned around, and saw no one there. Wonder if these spirits are ones that had to deal with Sconce’s undertaking, and have something that they want to share with us. Perhaps some simple wishes to be fulfilled.


  1. Avalon Funeral Home didn't last very long, new owner's were just as corrupt as Sconce, which is why they couldn't get it together. Poor work ethics lead to a very large turn over rate. My personal experience within the walls, from the freezer, prep room, chapel, conference rooms, 2nd floor living quarters occupied by the owner and his family, and the enfamous basement, which I referred to as the dungeon, spending countless hours around the clock, at times alone, not once did I encounter any type of paranormal activity. The only paranormal activity experienced was the manner in which the owner's mistreated employees. The love triangle office affairs that lead to a violent attack by the jealous mistress/co-worker and the irresponsible and abusive wife, whose life was saved from this brutal attack by a loyal employee, who later became bitter, mistreated, took advantage of, cheated employees, defamed, stole payroll funds, and eventually fired employee who had no other choice but to stand up for self. Although the husband cheated, he was an exceptional boss with professional work ethics. They had 3 beautiful children, who suffered the rath. After the Mister's departure took place, the funeral went down hill, which is to be expected when it is being run by an individual who will eventually reap what they sow. Karma does not discriminate.

    1. woooooo roller coaster on your experience i hope you have a great job now or retired in the sun

  2. Interesting that this all happened in the same building. We'd love to hear the full story. Email us at if you'd like us to post your full story. It'll be promoted, and highly viewed.

  3. I had season hockey tickets for the king's center ice Dave sconce sat Right in front of me & my wife we'd listen to him brag about the gold teeth he pulled from the dead body's & had it made into jewelry lots of it ... Shameless..

    1. Hi! I'm a documentary film producer working on a project about this story. I'd love to hear more about your experience with Dave. If you're open to speaking, it would be great to connect. My email is

  4. ~ I wonder what ever happened to David Sconce ?

    1. Life in jail.

  5. I had deceased loved ones who were victims of this crematorum. The remains of both my mother and paternal grandfather, who was a veteran of WWI and WWII, were mishandled by Lamb/Sconce. There was another cremation scandle a few years later that involved the remains of my mother-in-law. In case you were curious, in a class action suit, the mishandling of your loved one's remains is worth about $1200 a body.

    1. Hi – I'm a documentary film producer working on a project about this story. I am so sorry to hear that your loved ones were victims. If you're open to speaking about your experience, it would be great to connect. My email is

    2. I wonder how they came up with the amount of the settlement? My grandfather was a victim and my mother received $20,000. My grandfathers remains were tested however the results where never released to my mother. Maybe that made a difference in the settlement amount?


  6. May 8 2013
    Former Altadena Crematory Operator Sentenced to Prison
    David Wayne Sconce violated his lifelong probation stemming from a conviction for conducting mass cremations and stealing gold from corpses' teeth.
    A former Altadena crematory operator was sentenced [Monday] to 25 years to life in state prison after he admitted violating hislifelong probation, stemming from a conviction for conducting mass cremations and stealing gold from the teeth of corpses.
    David Wayne Sconce made headlines in the late 1980s when he pleaded guilty to the gruesome charges of commingling bodies and taking gold from the dead. Prosecutors said the crematory was part of the family-owned Lamb Funeral Home in nearby Pasadena.

    He was later charged with the murder of Timothy Raymond Waters, who ran the Alpha Society cremation service in Burbank. But that case was dismissed when an expert hired by both prosecutors and the defense failed to turn up any trace of the oleander poison that another expert claimed to have found. Sconce was next charged with soliciting the murder of a former deputy district attorney assigned to his case.
    He pleaded guilty in exchange for probation and moved to Arizona, working as bus driver and maintenance man. At the time of his latest violation, Sconce was living in Montana. His arrest was triggered when he was sentenced in a federal firearm possession case involving a gun he stole from a neighbor and pawned, the Pasadena Star-News reported. Sconce was extradited to California, where he had been held in Men's Central Jail without bail since Feb. 7.. I know his brother.

  7. Im pretty sure David is my father but I have never been able to prove it or get ahold of him. Im 25 and I live in Iowa now. MY mother always told me it was best that I never contact him because he is dangerous. Im actually writing a book and documenting my journey of finding who he is. If anyone knows his family or detailed information, Id like you to get in touch with me.

    1. My adoptive children have a birth-father, uncles, and cousins who have all been convicted of 1st degree murders. The birth-mother is also a criminal. Set good boundaries, and guard your personal info as you pursue information or contact, and have a plan in place, should you need to "opt out" of active relationship. These reunions are rarely Hallmark movie material, and some are more like an episode of Dateline. Whatever you learn, remember that DNA is not destiny. Just because you are related to someone criminal, that says nothing about you, or who you've chosen to be.

    2. Hi Kimberly! I'm a documentary film producer working on a project about this story. If you're open to speaking, I'd love to connect. My email is

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Karen Adell Scot , this is his sister I worked with her too

    1. Hi Karen! I'm a documentary film producer working on a project about this story. If you're open to speaking, I'd love to connect. My email is

  10. Transgender teacher reveals joy, heartbreak of new life as ...

    Dec 17, 2014 · Karen Adell Scot started the year as Gary Sconce, a California high school science teacher, and went back to school a woman after her plans to switch …
    Author: Karen Adell Scot

  11. This made world news a few years back, but I have got to tell you this person is a very kind person...
